Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Six Low Cost, Low Risk Home Business Plans In One Book

A new book by online entrepreneur Skip McGrath spells out six simple, effective ways to make money from home. Even if you have a job, there is no reason to put all your eggs in one basket. Don't be at the mercy of your boss, or of this economy, have a Plan B in place.Start the new year with a back up source of income with one (or more) of these ideas. The author has been successfully making money online since 1999, and is generous with his knowledge. Nothing says freedom like the ability to drum up some extra money from home, to pay bills, travel, or enjoy the holidays.

The book would also make a great holiday gift, giving the gift of hope for a different future. Change your life, or the life of a loved one, for less than the cost of going out for pizza.

How to Make a Living Working from Home - SIX Home Business Plans

Friday, October 22, 2010

More Money From Home

Even the most minimalist among us has something extra they'd like to sell. Or maybe especially the most minimalist, that's how they keep the belongings down. Clutter creeps up on many of us, it is always satisfying to clear up some space, but very gratifying to make a few bucks doing it.
Sometimes you need new eyes to take a look at your basement or garage, things that seem part of the scenery can be turned into cash quite quickly.Maybe you and a friend can be fresh eyes for each other, and help spot the items that be turned into cash.

The Virtual Peddler: Learn how to make a living buying, selling and trading on eBay, Amazon and Craigslist
This book is a great guide to selling your stuff for the best money, lots of ideas. Give it a try, it could change your life.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Another Quick Cash From Home Idea is a huge help for life in general. Need a canopy for a tail gaiting party? Need a few boxes of Christmas ornaments? Need a short term job, or do you need short term help? I have bought and sold so many things on craigslist, and met many nice people. I've sold stuff that has been cluttering up my basement, garage, life, and gotten paid cash in a matter of days.

There are also things for sale on craigslist, that you can turn around and sell on eBay or Amazon or somewhere. Once you establish an area of interest, things you know something about, do some research on how they sell. Then if you see them available at a good price, online or at a yard sale, you know enough to buy them.

Tools sell very well, books of course, and toys, in good shape. There are many, MANY other niches for you to develop. Look around you, jot down some things you see. Notice how many you see in other places, besides your home and office. People love stuff, so sell it to them!

The longest journey begins with the first step.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Quick Cash From Home

If you're looking for a way to make some money, a reasonable amount of time spent resulting in a reasonable sum of cash, eBay may be for you. If nothing else, you can get rid of some clutter and get paid for it. And making some quick money from home can become addictive. Think of what you could do if you had a hobby that resulted in making money for you, rather than costing you money.

The catch is, eBay is not something you can learn overnight. You need some instruction. I highly recommend this (free) newsletter. Skip and Karen McGrath learned eBay by doing it, by buying and selling. This is a good place to start getting aquainted with the eBay culture. You could have money in your bank account by next week!

Subscribe to the Oldest and Largest FREE Newsletter for Professional eBay Sellers

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Another Way to Make Money

The sun is out today, at least for the most part. The leaves are coming down, and that is good news for me. With a leaf blower and vaccuum, getting those leaves up is quick and easy. Then, all chopped up from the vac, they are the perfect addition to my compost heap or garden. They make an excellent mulch and are useful in helping to protect perennials from the cold. If used as mulch, as they decompose they condition the soil, by far the easiest way to improve it.

But in my neighborhood, most people don't want their leaves. I run a service where I spend 30 t0 45 minutes picking up leaves for them, they pay me and I get to keep the leaves! Win/win, if you have a garden.

Tomorrow, more about eBay.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Working From Home in the Rain

Another gloomy wet day here, another day reminding me of why I wanted to work at home, where it is warm, and there is plenty of tea.

There is always a lot to do, when you think about it. I have eBay, and things sitting around waiting to be photographed and listed. There are stacks of books, some for eBay, some for Amazon, some for Cash 4 Books. This last is the easiest, and also of course a little less lucrative than the others. No pain, no gain! On the other hand, you look up the book and find out exactly what they'll pay before you do anything else, so it's a sure thing.

Sell Used Books - Ship Your Books For Free And Get Fast Cash Back!

But if you are like me, and have books accumulating all over, most of which haven't been read in years, it is a win/win.